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As the beginning of each story tells, once upon a time?
there was a young couple who just got married. Honestly, today I still remember how everything happened:
it was July 1989 and we had just moved in together, so we were in our kitchen and suddenly there were
dozens of different mineral water bottles on the floor looking at us – since we didn?t do the shopping each
time at the same supermarket – and during that hot summer, me and my wife were thinking about which
collection we could start doing together, as a passion to cultivate and build up during our spare time.
When my wife saw the red and the yellow Crodo Liesel labels, she immediately envisioned in her mind the
answer to our question and said to me ?Let?s start collecting mineral water labels, we have so many of
them!?. If I go back to that exact moment, probably I said something like ?Oh no, that?s crazy! No one
collects mineral water labels!?, it was there when we realized together how cool could it be and how
different from the other collections we were used to.
So, basically, we started collecting labels but we felt a bit ?isolated? because it was 1989, so of course there
weren?t the means of communication that we use today or any social media, which could have allowed us
to get in touch with other collectors. Even if they were skeptical, our friends and relatives started to help us
too and when we decided to do another important step, we began contacting a lot of Italian and foreign
water brand sources, looking for some samples to send us and collect them. I have great memories of those
times, especially when we came back home from work and we found the mailbox full of envelopes with the
labels that were sent to us.
Another big moment for our collection was when we met the famous Italian collector Mr. Cesarino Sangalli,
who I will always remember with pleasure and joy, because it was the first time since the beginning of
these crazy journey that we were able to get in touch and exchange some labels with another collector.
Today, we count in our collection more than 16.000 labels from all over the world ? 150 countries ? and
finally, thanks to the Labelsmania?s online platforms, as the website and the Instagram page, we can show
our database and do the most important thing: we can share our passion with everyone! But.. don?t worry,
those envelopes full of labels that we?ve been receiving from the past years are still going on.
Finally, the development of this website couldn?t have been possible without the special hand that Luca
Vecchi gave us, as well as the amount of labels collected wouldn?t be so giant if our friends, acquaintances
and relatives wouldn?t have helped us so far. We really thank you so much for the attention and .. welcome
on board!